If you or your child are already working with an SLT or other health professional(s), please bring along your recent reports.
If a language assessment is necessary, I will use age-appropriate formal or informal assessment methods to establish a baseline of language performance, and to identify any areas that would benefit from therapy. Following the assessment, I will discuss the results with you and write a short report.
Therapy sessions last for 50 minutes and involve games or activities designed to develop the areas which have been identified as needing intervention. I am driven to make therapy activities as relevant to each individual as possible. Activities will (where possible) link to current curriculum themes, hobbies and interests, or workplace needs.
Outcomes and progress will be regularly reviewed. If at any point therapy is deemed to no longer be necessary or effective (by myself or the client/client's carer), we will discuss whether therapy should be ceased. I will be open and honest about progress, and therapy will be evidence-based against current research findings.